Title: Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings
Keywords: Quality
Public Health
Primary Health Care
Country: Germany
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
Course coordinator: Dr. Norma Lange-Tagaza
Dr. Irmgard Marx
Date start: 2024-07-01
Date end: 2024-07-05
About duration and dates: 5 days plus 15 hours pre-course work For composition of types of teaching and learning activities, please see No. 12 below 21.06. – 25.06.2021
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Course location: Heidelberg, Germany
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
SIT: 60 hrs (31 contact and 29 self-study hours)
Language: English
Description: 1. Describe the discipline of patient safety , its history and principles
2. Interpret the importance and implication of patient safety in the delivery of quality health care in primary care settings
3. Develop strategies and policies to promote patient safety in primary care
4. Apply and use methods to improve patient safety in primary care
Assessment Procedures: Grades will be based on
1. Written exam which will include True or False, Matching
Type and Multiple Choices (about 85%)
2. Participation in classroom learning activities – 10%)
3. Attendance – 5%
In case a student does not achieve a passing grade, 3 essay questions will be given to be answered and submitted to the Coordinators. This will have the same value of 85%. Participation in classroom activities and attendance will have the same values as well, that is 10% and 5% respectively.
Content: 1. Describe the discipline of patient safety, its history and principles
a. Conceptual clarification
i. Patient safety
ii. Patient centred care and person centred care
iii. Patient involvement and patient satisfaction
b. Patient safety from a historical perspective
i. Origins in the USA and other countries
ii. Current status of patient safety in LMICs
2. Interpret the importance and implication of patient safety in the delivery of quality health in primary care settings
a. Patient safety as integral part of quality care
i. Primary care facilities as first entry points for care
ii. Frameworks to enhance patient safety in primary care settings
b. Threats to patient safety in primary care settings
i. Breakdown of communication among health care providers and patients
ii. Fragmentation of care
iii. Out-of- hours primary care
iv. Erroneous diagnosis
v. Medication errors
3. Develop strategies and policies for patient safety in primary care
a. Systems approach to patient safety
i. Structural/Organisational
1. Legal frameworks
2. Assessment and monitoring systems
3. Formation of patient safety networks in primary care (Primary Care Networks)
ii. Human factors
1. Enhance basic understanding of safety-related perceptions of the health care providers
2. Creating a culture of quality
3. Training of primary health care staff on patient safety measures
iii. Social – engaging patients and families
iv. Technological – Digitalisation of records to hasten sharing of information relevant to health care
4. Apply and utilize methods to improve patient safety in primary care
a. Application of Patient and Family Strategies (Agency for Health Care and Quality)
i. Be Prepared To Be Engaged
ii. Create a Safe Medicine List Together
iii. Teach-Back
iv. Warm Handoff Plus
b. Recognition of steps/phases in clinical risk management and application of associated tools
i. Risk identification with a critical incident reporting system and complaints management system
ii. Risk analysis with the Ishikawa diagram, the 5 Why Method and the M&M Conference
iii. Risk assessment or risk ranking using the method “Nohl”
iv. Risk treatment
v. Risk monitoring and evaluation.
vi. Follow up and implementation
Methods: ● Short theory inputs
● Group work
● Case study analysis
● Self-StudyIt is difficult at this point of the development of the curriculum to give the percentages of hours for each learning method. The interactive and participatory learning method will take most of the time. The theory inputs will serve as impulse for the group work, case study analysis, etc.
Prerequisites: English: TOEFL test 5.5 or IELTS 6.5 or equivalent language skills
Attendance: Maximum number of students (including tropEd students): 25
Selection: First come, first serve
Fees: tropEd students: 500 €
General admission: 750 €
tropEd accreditation: Accredited March 2021 (valid until March 2026)
Date Of Record Creation: 2021-03-19 05:57:43 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2021-03-19 12:01:52 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2021-03-19 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-03-22 21:07:42 (W3C-DTF)