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ECTS credit points is 2 ECTS credits
Results 1 - 10 of 19
Health economics
Description: At the end of the module the student should be able to: - Apply the concepts of direct / indirect / intangible cost for measuring the economic costs of a health program. - Describe the beveridge...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2022-04-11
Institution: Morocco - École Nationale de Santé Publique
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Viral Infections
Description: At the end of the module the student should be able to: 1. Analyze the epidemiology of tropical viral diseases. 2. Describe the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of these diseases...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start:
Institution: USA - Global Medicine, University of Minnesota
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Clinical Travel Medicine
Description: At the end of the module the student should be able to: 1. Provide pre-travel advice and clinical care for patients planning to travel to developing countries. 2. Provide post-travel evaluation...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start:
Institution: USA - Global Medicine, University of Minnesota
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Bacterial, Mycobacterial & Fungal Infections
Description: At the end of the module the student should be able to: 1. Analyze the epidemiology of tropical bacterial, mycobacterial & fungal diseases, highlighting neglected tropical diseases. 2. Describe...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start:
Institution: USA - Global Medicine, University of Minnesota
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Health Economics
Description: At the end of the module the student should be able to: - Apply the concepts of direct / indirect / intangible cost for measuring the economic costs of a health program. - Describe the beveridge...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2022-04-11
Institution: Rabat - École Nationale de Santé Publique
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Theories of Infection Control
Description: At the end of the module, the student should be able to: 1. Define the modes of transmission of nosocomial infections 2. Underline the methods of infection prevention and control 3. Explain the...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-02-17
Institution: Indonesia - Post Graduate Programme, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Global Oncology: Clinical, social and political challenges
Description: At the end of the module students will be able to • develop an appropriate strategy for a country or region of choice to improve the response to the growing burden of cancer diseases • Debate...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-06-16
Institution: Germany - Institute of International Health, Berlin
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Maternal and child health: in low and middle income countries
Description: At the end of this unit, the student should be able to: 1. Analyse the strategies in the fight against maternal and child mortality and morbidity in low and middle income countries 2. Synthesise...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2020-12-01
Institution: Morocco - École Nationale de Santé Publique
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Parasitic Infections
Description: At the end of the module the student should be able to: 1. Analyse the epidemiology of under-represented tropical infectious parasitic diseases. 2. Describe the pathophysiology and clinical...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start:
Institution: USA - Global Medicine, University of Minnesota
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
Migration and Health for People on the Move (MHPM)
Description: At the end of the module, the course participants should be able to: ● Appraise the major health challenges that migrants face before leaving, during migratory journey and upon arrival in the host...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2024-06-17
Institution: Switzerland - Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute, Basel
ECTS credit points: 2 ECTS credits
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