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Keywords is Research
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Implementation research for public health
Description: . At the end of the course students are expected to be able to: 1. Formulate implementation research problem statement 2. Explain the characteristics of implementation research 3. Identify...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-08-19
Institution: Indonesia - Post Graduate Programme, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
ECTS credit points: 4 ECTS credits
Bridging the Gap between Research and Health Policy making
Description: By the end of this course, students should be able to: 1. Describe the key elements of, and create a comprehensive policy-level communication strategy 2. Develop simple and compelling written and...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2023-05-22
Institution: Vietnam - Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH)
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Qualitative Methods in Public Health Research
Description: At the end of the module, the participants will be able to: • Recognize contributions of qualitative methodology in public health studies in order to incorporate further methodological approach in...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2020-02-15
Institution: Mexico - Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, National Insitute of Public Health
ECTS credit points: 4 ECTS credits
Applied Clinical Research
Description: At the end of the module the student should be able to … •develop a clinical trial protocol (incl. formulation of research question and primary study objectives; identifying a suitable study...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-03-10
Institution: Germany - Center for International Health at the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Outbreak Investigations & Research
Description: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: • Design and explain a protocol to implement interdisciplinary outbreak investigation • Identify risks and challenges in outbreak...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2022-04-04
Institution: Belgium - Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine
ECTS credit points: 5 ECTS credits
Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence
Description: This module will focus on capacity building on contemporary theories in the field of digital health and health care informatics with special focus on creating AI based solutions for health systems...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-04-07
Institution: Germany - Institute of International Health, Berlin
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Qualitative and Mixed Methods in International Health Research (QMM)
Description: At the end of the course the participants should be able to: 1. Design research strategies appropriate for specific research questions, health problems, and socio-cultural settings using...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2024-01-29
Institution: Belgium - Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine
ECTS credit points: 6 ECTS credits
Mixed Methods in International Health Research
Description: Focusing on the joint application of quantitative and qualitative tools and methods, this course aims to train participants to conduct mixed methods research. At the end of the module the student...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-05-26
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
Observational epidemiology: Survey, Cohort and Case-Control Studies
Description: At the end of the course the students should be able to: • Discuss the main principles of epidemiological research • Differentiate between the principles of cross-sectional studies...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-03-03
Institution: Norway - Centre for International Health, Universitetet i Bergen
ECTS credit points: 5 ECTS credits
Experimental Epidemiology
Description: At the end of the module the student should be able to: - Discuss the principles of clinical and field trials, - Plan clinical and field trails in accordance with the EU Directive 2001/20/EC...
Classification: advanced optional
Date start: 2025-02-03
Institution: Norway - Centre for International Health, Universitetet i Bergen
ECTS credit points: 5 ECTS credits
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