Title: Social Determinants of Health and Planetary Health: Designing interventions for sustainable livelihoods
Keywords: Planetary
One Health
Multi/inter-sectorial approach
Health Policy
Country: Germany
Institution: Germany - Institute of International Health, Berlin
Course coordinator: Julian Fisher
Date start: 2023-08-14
Date end: 2023-10-20
About duration and dates: The module will take place over 2.5 months with a total SIT of 180 hours (151 teaching and learning activities) Pre-reading: none Application deadline: 10 weeks before module start Payment deadline: 8 weeks before module start Confirmation of participation by ITMIH: 6 weeks before module start.
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Blended-learning
Course location: Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Augustenburger Platz 1
D-13353 Berlin,Germany
Phone: +49 30 450 565752
email: mscih-student@charite.de
tropEd representative: Hans-Friedemann Kinkel
ECTS credit points: 6 ECTS credits
• Synchronous live / virtual face to face teaching with a moderator via webinar; 35.5 hrs
• Asynchronous / independent study using material provided via web based learning platform ; 115.5 hrs including core reading
• Of the total of 151 (35.5 + 115.5) teaching hours: Cases Studies 26 hours, Exercises 15 hours, Group work 6 hours
• Written assignment 29 hours
• NB; Time has been built into the module there is provision for 6 hrs of moderator dedicated 1:1 time with participants via live web conferencing.
• Asynchronous web based learning elements have MCQs. This will allow for monitoring participant progress and enable the moderator to follow up by email. Email exchange will be available at participants request. The moderator will dedicate ca. 10 hrs per participant for 1:1 contact and/or email exchange including but not limited to addressing questions on course content, preparation for webinars, individual tasks. This communication channel and facility aims to be responsive and agile in addressing problems that course participants may have.
Language: English
At the end of the module the student should be able to:
1. Apply WHO framework for social determinants of health to a complex problem to illustrate the interconnectedness and interdependence of sustainable livelihoods;
2. Illustrate how lifelong learning can enable the policy and social dialogue and coalition building processes for developing sustainable livelihoods;
3. Relate and analyse the interdependence of people, planet and prosperity employing Planetary Health, One Health, One Earth concepts;
4. Propose how to measure and understand a complex problem using a social determinants of health approach
5. Create a plan for sustainable livelihoods that promotes health equity through addressing the social determinants of health
6. Identify sources of health data and discuss how they can assess the impact of action
Assessment Procedures:
The content units, individual exercises and group work will build the scaffolding for the final assignment ie designing interventions for sustainable livelihoods. MCQs will be required for each individual content unit in each teaching block. MCQ results will be monitored to assess participants progress through the course, and allow moderator and participants to tailor additional support as needed and as required. The facility for email exchange / zoom calls will used to connect the moderator and individual participants in a time efficient and effective manner. Similarly the participant can request 1:1 time with the moderator. The MCQs will form 25% of the overall module assessment mark.

Participants will be required to submit a report / diary detailing their learning reporting over the module, accounting 15% to the overall mark.

A written assignment (2500-3500 words, accounting 60% to the overall mark).

The assignment assesses the capability of the participant to i. identify, measure and analyse a public health issue using WHO analytical framework of WHO Commission on the
Social Determinants of Health, ii translate the problem into local community action that links the UN 17 SDGs with interventions to promote sustainable livelihoods. They will demonstrate how they have / would engage with the community to understand the different perspectives of the identified problem.

For the assignment participants are asked to select a city or town within a country and to:

1. Identify a complex health problem in a community, using analytical framework of WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health making note of, i. intermediary determinants of health, and ii. structural determinants of health inequities, (20% weight in the assignment’s grading)
2. Describe the social dialogue and coalition building processes for developing sustainable livelihoods and interaction with key local community leadership (10% weight in the assignment’s grading)
3. Apply the results of problem analysis (1) to UNDP model for Sustainable Livelihoods with specific reference to the health damaging exposure/s, vulnerable groups and communities (20 % weight in the assignment’s grading)
4. Using 3. identify leverage points for action and propose pathway/s for resilient and sustainable livelihoods (30% weight in the assignment’s grading)
5. Identify potential drivers, assumptions, risks and stakeholders in these pathways (10% weight in the assignment’s grading)
6. List and describe the challenges that project might face and how they could be overcome (10% weight in the assignment’s grading)
Each student will receive an individual feedback on the assignment and a grade using a rubric matrix. Students pass the assignment if they gain 60% or more of the achievable points. If a student fails the assignment, s/he is allowed to revise and resubmit the assignment considering the comments provided by the marker (in resit, the grade of the failed first attempt is not considered anymore).
Students receive a local German grade (absolute grading scale) and an ECTS grade (relative grading scale)
Introduction to Module and Q&A
Block 1; Sustainable Development and UN 2030 Agenda / 17 SDGs
• Introduction to etymology of sustainable development and social determinants of health
• Introduction to United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, outcome document entitled "The future we want'
• Redesigning planning, governance, and policies to achieve multiple Sustainable Development Goals
Block 2; Sustainable Development and complex challenges of 21st century
• Wicked problems; understanding the meta-narratives of sustainable development
• Introduction to UN Development Programme Sustainable Livelihoods
• Social Dimensions of Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems
Block 3; Equity and sustainability
• Orientation; what gets measured, get done
• Introduction to Indigenous knowledge and concepts of sustainability
• Reflections on global health security, solidarity and sustainability.
• Social Reflections on global health security, solidarity and sustainability
• Introduction to Global Citizenship
• Impact of Cultural and Citizenship Education on Social Cohesion
Block 4; Equity and the social determinants of health
• Framing the action for social determinants of health: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
• Systems thinking to promote health equity through action on the social determinants of health
• Universal health coverage SDG 3.8 and the social determinants of health
• Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED): Transforming and Sustaining our World through Learning.
Block 5; Introduction to Lifelong Learning (Macro level)
• Lifelong learning and Health
• Lifelong learning from a social justice perspective
• Lifelong learning and learning cities
• Lifelong learning competencies and skills for sustainable development and global citizenship
Block 6; Lifelong Learning and sustainable livelihoods (Meso, micro level)
Block 7; Planetary Health, One Health, One Earth
• Introducing main concepts of planetary health / One Health / One Earth
• Planetary boundaries; sustainable livelihoods and water scarcity
• Introduction to One Health
• One Earth and global pollution
Block 8; Introduction to Social Determinants of Health
• Closing the Gap in a Generation, an introduction to Social Determinants of Health
• Introduction to the analytical framework WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health
• UN High Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth
Block 9; Social determinants of health and health services
• Systems thinking to promote health equity through action on the social determinants of health
• Introduction to WHO integrated people-centred health services.
• Innov8 Approach for Reviewing National Health Programmes to Leave No One Behind.
• Understanding the Economics of Investments in the Social Determinants of Health
• Root causing mapping
Block 10; Taking action on the Social Determinants of Health
• Preparing for taking action in daily practice.
• Engaging people and communities in action to address the social determinants of health
• Introduction to social accountability
Block 11; Social Determinants of Health, measuring and understanding the problem
• Measure and understand the problem
• Taking action in daily practice; health examples
• Assessing the impact of action
Block 12; Multisectoral action and Governance
• How multisectoral collaboration and action can promote transformative change for health and sustainable development
• Importance of the health sector taking steps to build capacity for multisectoral efforts for health as part of Universal Health Coverage
• Coalition building and process strategies
Block 13; Multisectoral action and Partnerships
• Intersectoral planning for health and health equity
• Identifying sources of health data and policy advice for multisectoral action
• Minamata Convention on Mercury to address mercury pollution
• The course uses participatory learning (lectures with discussions and group works, based on synchronous live teaching via webinar;
• as well as self-directed learning based on asynchronous studying via a web based learning platform
• 1:1 moderator dedicated time with participants via live web conferencing
• and a written assignment
Basic competencies in social determinants of health (e.g. successful completion of a core course of a tropEd Master’s Programme)
If not a native English speaker: Internationally recognised English proficiency certificate equivalent to a TOEFL score of 550 paper/213 internet/80 online, or IELTS score 6, or DAAD (A or B in all categories). TropEd students need to provide proof of registration as tropEd student at their home institution only.
Max. 30 students
Places are allocated on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
Late applications will be considered as long as places are available.
€ 1650 TropEd MScIH students and alumni (For Berlin students who started their studies in 2022 or earlier the old scale of fees applies. Please see here)
€ 2062.50 Guest students
Not available
tropEd accreditation:
First accredited at Online tropEd GA (“Hamburg”), 11 - 12 June 2020. This accreditation is valid until June 2025.
Key literature
1. WHO publication; Integrating the Social Determinants of Health in Health Workforce Education and Training
2. UNESCO Lifelong Learning and Health: policy implications
3. Closing the Gap in a Generation; WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health
4. Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch; report of The Rockerfeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on planetary health
5. One Earth, Many Futures, No Destination, Mike Hulme, Cell Press
6. United Nations Transforming out world; the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
7. UNESCO Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainable Development
Email Address: mscih-student@charite.de
Date Of Record Creation: 2020-06-30 02:25:56 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2020-06-30 07:39:18 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2020 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-01-23 09:23:07 (W3C-DTF)