Title: Consultancy Skills in International Cooperation in Health –Evaluation of Health Facilities, Projects and Programmes
Keywords: Planning and programming
Monitoring and evaluation
Consultancy Skills
Country: Germany
Institution: Germany - Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
Course coordinator: Peter Campbell
Date start: 2025-03-24
Date end: 2025-04-04
About duration and dates: Two weeks
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Course location: Institute of Public Health
Im Neuenheimer Feld 365, Room 007
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
SIT: 90 SIT (75 contact hours + 15 self-study hours)
Language: English
Description: At the end of the course the participants will be able to:
a. Identify, adapt and use principles, processes and tools for evaluation of LMIC health facilities, projects and programmes (including qualitative and quantitative assessment)
b. Use key consultancy tools and mechanisms (including an appreciation of any Terms of Reference for international health consultancy tasks)
c. Critically analyse review criteria for evaluation reports of LMIC projects
d. Apply the principles of effective writing when undertaking evaluations of international health projects
e. Use team building and team management skills in an international setting
f. Analyse personal skills to develop a consultancy career plan
g. Develop a professional and attractive Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Assessment Procedures: Assessment (by the facilitator/s) is based on two assignments carried out during the 2-weeks of the course:
- 1. A critical analysis of an existing consultancy report about an international LMIC health project (and is provided by the facilitator) and writing a detailed and critical report about it according to Learning Objectives (a,c,d,e). This is carried out in groups of 3-5 participants. This assessment comprises 40% of the overall mark of the module.
- 2. A consultancy career plan is developed by each participant consisting of 3 parts: a personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis and discussion about the participant’s status and current/ future plans in an LMIC setting, a letter of application for a relevant job related to an LMIC setting, plus the participant's latest CV (6-8 pages in total, excluding the CV). This assesses Learning Objectives (b,e,g). This assessment comprises 60% of the overall mark of the module.

If the student fails to reach the passing grade of 60% (average from both assessments), s/he will be required an individual written assignment (a 2000 word proposal on a topic negotiated between the student and the coordinator) to be submitted not later than 4 weeks after receiving final course grades.
Content: The course includes the following topics:
• Evaluation and Consultancy in LMICs: The basics (lecture)
• Key Principles, Methods and Tools in Evaluation of projects and programmes in LMICs (lecture)
• Using Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Evaluation (lecture)
• Basic Skills of an Evaluator as an Individual and as a Team Member (lecture and team role- play session)
• Planning an Evaluation in a low or middle income setting (group work exercise)
• Effective Writing Techniques, including Report Writing (participative exercise)
• Critical Review of Evaluation Reports of LMIC projects/programmes (groupwork exercise including feedback session with facilitator)
• Designing and Providing Effective Feedback to Different Stakeholders (lecture and group work exercise)
• The Consultants Reference Points: Client Requirements and Regulations (lecture)
• Terms of Reference in your Consultancy Practice (lecture)
• Planning a Consultancy Career (lecture)
• Critical Analysis and Coaching on Individual Consultancy Career Plan (facilitated individual self-assessment followed by personal coaching session)
• Cultural and Ethical Aspects of Consultancy (lecture)
• The Consultant: Expectations and Experiences (plenary session with open Q&As)
Methods: The course uses interactive lectures (20 hrs) case studies (10 hrs), evaluation reports and tools (30 hrs), discussions with international consultants (4 hrs), individual and group exercises, plenary discussions (10.5 hrs.), individual self-study (15 hrs.) and individual coaching session (0.5hrs).
Prerequisites: English TOEFL: Computer based >237; Paper based >580; Internet based >90; IELTS > 6.5. (Or as requested at respective English taught home institute = tropEd enrolment sufficient)
Attendance: Maximum number of students (including tropEd students): 25
first come, first serve
Fees: 1.250,- EUR for tropEd students, 1.750 EUR for others
Scholarships: None
Major changes since initial accreditation: Increased time spent on coaching of individuals for their consultancy careers and standardized the coaching methods between facilitators. Improved role play activities and participatory methods for inputs on cultural and ethical aspects of evaluation and consultancy. Lengthened the session on consultant Terms of Reference including the associated exercise.
Student evaluation: The course has again been consistently evaluated as excellent since the previous tropEd re-accreditation. Students consistently ask for more courses that can improve their ability to plan careers. The intensity of the course is an area some participants find challenging but is generally appreciated by most.
Lessons learned: Participants would like more courses on development of personal competencies such as communication skills, writing, and time management. Open and honest engagement with the students and coaching them on their personal skills pays off in the long run. We hear from former participants in the course that they have been successful in their consultancy careers and have used skills learned in the course in furthering their careers.
tropEd accreditation:
Accredited in Heidelberg, September 2003. Re-accredited in Paris, May 2008, in June 2013 and in March 2018 and July 2023. This accreditation is valid until July 2028.
Remarks: Early registration recommended - also for tropEd students - as course is usually in high demand.
Email Address: anne-kathrin.fabricius@uni-heidelberg.de
Date Of Record Creation: 2012-01-09 23:17:33 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2012-01-10 05:29:34 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2018-06-10 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-10-16 07:25:40 (W3C-DTF)