Title: Predictors of Disclosure of a Positive HIV Serostatus to Sexual Partners – A Systematic Review
Author: Yosef, Hailemichael
Institution: Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Berlin
Graduate date: 2010-12-06 (W3C-DTF)
Document: Yosef, Hailemichael_Abstract_2010.pdf
Heterosexual intercourse accounts for 85% of HIV-1 transmission. In fact, most of these heterosexual transmissions have occurred within stable partnership, i.e., from an HIV-infected person to the non-infected partner or spouse. This poses sero-negative partners in a sero-discordant couple, the ‘single largest risk group for HIV infection’, at risk. In some areas the prevalence of sero-discordance ranges between 66.7% and 85.2% among tested couples. As a result, successful control of the epidemic depends on the ability of HIV prevention programs to avert those sexual transmissions, which occur among sero-discordant couples. The prevention of HIV transmission within couples demand the knowing of the own sero-status, the sharing of this knowledge and the adoption of safe sexual practices. However, several studies have reported both testing and in particular disclosure of test result to be as low as 7.6%. This systematic review aimed at identifying predictive factors of disclosure of sero-status and by conversion predictors of non-disclosure which can be used for specific interventions measures.
Classification: 2010 (LCSH)
Language: English
Date Of Record Creation: 2013-07-05 02:57:51 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2013-07-05 02:59:40 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2013-07-05 03:00:05 (W3C-DTF)