Title: Global Approaches to Gender and Health (GGH)
Keywords: Sexual & reproductive health
Men's health
International/Global Health
Human rights
Country: United Kingdom
Institution: UK - Institute for Global Health and Development, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
Course coordinator: Esther Azasi
Date start: 2025-01-20
Date end: 2025-02-21
About duration and dates: 5 weeks
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Course location: Institute for Global Health and Development,
Queen Margaret University,
Edinburgh, EH21 6UU Scotland
Tel. 44 131 474 0000
Fax. 44 131 474 0001

tropEd representative: Dr. Paul Kadetz PKadetz@qmu.ac.uk
ECTS credit points: 5 ECTS credits
SIT: 150 hours SIT consisting of:

1. Online delivery of teaching materials, including power points, discussion boards, synchronous sessions, assignment preparation support (50 hours)
2. Face-to-face class-based teaching - including lectures, practical exercises, film attendance, assignment preparation tutorials 40 hours
3. Assignment preparation 30 hours
4. Self directed study 30 hours

150 hours SIT consisting of:

1. Online delivery of teaching materials, including power points, discussion boards, synchronous sessions, assignment preparation support (50 hours)
2. Face-to-face class-based teaching - including lectures, practical exercises, film attendance, assignment preparation tutorials 40 hours
3. Assignment preparation 30 hours
4. Self directed study 30 hours
This will be arranged as follows:
Week 1: Online learning, including group work, online discussion, self-directed study
Week 2: Online learning, including group work, online discussion, self-directed study
Week 3: Face to face teaching on campus including group work, lectures and seminars. Assignment support starts during this campus based phase
Week 4: Face to face teaching on campus including group work, lectures and seminars. Assignment support starts during this campus based phase and the first part of the assignment will be submitted in this week.
Week 5: Online learning to finalise assignment preparation
Language: English
At the end of the module the students will be able to:

1. Contextualise and critically analyse the relationship between gender and health from a global perspective
2. Draw on relevant materials to develop knowledge around key principles in global approaches to gender and health within a historical and rights based framework
3. Demonstrate reflective practice through sharing of experience with peers to enable gender sensitive analysis for health policy and practice
4. Demonstrate the ability to appraise the impact of diversity and cultural influences
5. Critically analyse and apply relevant theoretical perspectives (feminism, masculinities and intersectionality) to gendered perspectives of global health.
6. Evaluate, engage with and apply gender sensitive analysis and planning tools in global health interventions
Focus or specific features: Note: Please contact IGHD for the specific dates for class-based activities.

Elective modules (semester 2) - subject to the number of students
Assessment Procedures:
The overall assessment will take the form of developing a gender sensitive health proposal in relation to an existing health intervention. Students will be supported in the preparation of the assignment and guided to choose a suitable health topic according to their interests and experience. This support will take place through assignment preparation tutorials as well as one to one support.

The assessment is divided into 2 parts.

1. Individual description and justification of the choice of health topic through use of an online platform: for example a blog, a short film, or a narrated PowerPoint (20%). This will be submitted to the discussion board.

Submission part 1: The first part of the assignment will be submitted during week 4, during the on-campus phase of teaching. Feedback by the module coordinator will assist in the preparation of the second part.

2. Written assignment: 2500 +/- 10% word assignment: develop a proposal for a gender sensitive health intervention justified by a review of the literature (80%). The written assignment will consist of three elements :
a. The intervention
b. A theoretical framework
c. The use of a practical gender analysis tool/methodology

Submission part 2: The second part of the assignment will be submitted 3 weeks after the end of the module on 05.03.21

Students receive electronic feedback and comments via the virtual learning platform (Blackboard).

If a student fails an assessment they are allowed to resubmit their assignment within an agreed time period. The mark of resubmissions is capped at 50%.

Note: In order to pass the module, students must achieve a pass mark of 50% on all assignments.
This module aims to provide participants with a critical approach to the analysis of gender and health in a global context. Gendered norms are deeply entrenched in every society that we know about. In this module, the impact of these norms on the health of women, men, girls and boys as well as on people with non-binary and gender fluid identities will be explored. Gender will be taught as being relational rather than binary. Theoretical approaches including feminism, masculinities and intersectionality constitute a framework for examining the impact of gender as a social determinant of health. Current challenges, in particular the intersection of differing and fluid gender and sexual identities will be integrated throughout the module.

Practical sessions will introduce participants to some of the planning and gender analysis frameworks used in global health. These sessions will equip participants with the critical skills to assess the problems and challenges as well as the benefits of implementing the frameworks.

Content includes:

● Principles and concepts: sex, gender, health and rights in global and historical perspective
● The impact of sex and gender on health: conceptualising frameworks and examples from practice. These examples include infectious diseases and NCDs.
● Impact of gender norms on women and girls
● Men’s health and masculinities
● Understanding Theory: Feminist theories, Masculinities and Intersectionality
● Exploring Sexual orientation and gender identities (SOGI) in global contexts
● Gender based violence, a global perspective
● Female genital Mutilation (FGM), a rights - based approach
● Gender analysis: putting gender into policy and practice
● Gender and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Settings of Conflict and Displacement
● Gender: the current political context and future challenges
Learning methods will include:

Online teaching
Inputs such as short narrated PowerPoints, videos and podcasts, specified reading and use of online resources such as organisational web sites. Specific activities will be linked to these such as a series of questions, or an exercise that needs to be carried out individually or in small groups. Answers will be posted on line through discussion forums. These will be commented on by the module facilitator to give feedback to students. Some constructive peer commenting will also be encouraged.

Weekly synchronous online learning sessions will enable sharing of experience, picking up on any difficulties experienced with the learning materials and be an opportunity for the group to work together on a particular topic through set exercises and small group work.

Face to face learning will include sessions led by visiting lecturers, as well as in depth classes and exercises on theory and gender planning tools. Assignment preparation sessions for the written aspect of the assignment will also take place. All of these sessions will be highly interactive with short inputs and exercises and group work for students to ensure learning has taken place

Throughout the module sharing of experiences around gender will be encouraged including sharing information about gender norms in the different societies and cultures that students come from, and how expectations around these norms impact on their life and work. Early on in the module there will be a discussion and agreement with students about how to do this safely and the module coordinator will carry out ongoing monitoring of how this is being carried out.

A series of feature films will be scheduled for watching either jointly and individually in Edinburgh as a voluntary extra for the module followed by a discussion on the gender aspects of the film.
• General admission requirements for entry onto MSc courses run at IGHD include IELTS level of an overall score of 6.0 with no component less than 5.5; or for the TOEFL iBT an overall score of 80 with no component less than 17.
• Regular access to a computer and the internet (broadband) for the duration of the module as well as ability to watch videos.
• Basic computer skills, including carrying out internet searches

Please note that UK visa regulations are changing and students may need to apply for a student visa when entering the UK.
Maximum number of students is 30 (no limit on number of TropEd students)
No specific selection criteria apply – first come first served principle. Applications stay open until two weeks before the course is due to start.
Fees: Home: £820
International: £1,750
Scholarships: None
Major changes since initial accreditation:
The title of the module has changed to reflect the global nature of the content. The broad outline of the module remains the same but content and objectives have shifted to take more account of the debate around specific health topics such as infectious diseases, NCDs and violence as well as gender fluidity and a greater emphasis on intersectionality as a theoretical perspective. These have been included in the sessions on the impact of gendered norms on health.

The major change to the module is making it blended learning with a proportion of the module online. This module lends itself well to blended learning which will enable a wider section of people to access the module without the requirement for visas or to travel. Gender as a topic has been at the forefront of global health in recent years with much lively debate around contemporary online movements such as #MeToo as well as special issues of medical journals such as the Lancet focussing on gender. Converting the module to blended learning gives the opportunity for a more global approach to teaching and learning

Additional changes have been made to the assignment by making it two parts. This is in response to student feedback saying clearly they do not want the marks of a module to depend on one sole assignment. Both assignments are linked so there is no additional subject matter, but by having two parts it should take the pressure off the students to some extent.
Student evaluation:
Student evaluation is consistently very positive. Many students comment on the fact that they had not appreciated how important gender is for global health and that the module has changed the way they think about health. They often comment on how much they relate the content of the module to their everyday life and experiences and that this generates many discussions outside the classroom. They appreciate the excellent quality of the visiting lecturers who are experts in their field and value the feature films that we watch together. These add a relaxed and informal aspect to the module for those who can attend.
Challenges include the pace of the work and amount of reading. However, students commented positively on the ease of access to materials and the support from the module coordinator when they face difficulties.
Students commented that they would like to be assessed in more than one summative assessment and this has now been addressed. From next academic year they will have two summative assessments.
Lessons learned:
The pace and reading for the module has been reduced as much as is possible for a module of this level so despite this being a challenge for the students it is not the intention to change this any further. Efforts are always made to help any student that is struggling through constant assessment of their progress so that difficulties can be picked up, and working with individuals and personal tutors.
tropEd accreditation: Accredited in January, 2010. Re-accredited in January 2016 and at the GA Online, June 2020 (EC TelCo July 2020). This accreditation is valid until July 2025
Abdool, S.N., García-Moreno, C. and Avni Amin, A. (2012). Gender Equality and International Health Policy Planning in The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare, 2nd edition pp.36–55.
Anderson, E. and McCormack, M. (2016) Inclusive Masculinity Theory: overview, reflection and refinement, Journal of Gender Studies Vol. 0, Iss. 0, 2016
Brush L and Miller E (2019) Trouble in Paradigm: “Gender Transformative” Programming in Violence Prevention Violence Against Women Volume: 25 issue: 14, page(s): 1635-1656 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1077801219872551
Connell, R. W. and Messerschmidt, J W (2005) Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept Gender & Society 19; 829
Garcia-Moreno, C & Amin, (2019) Violence against women: where are we 25 years after ICPD and where do we need to go? Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters Vol 27:1, 346-348,
Greaves, L (2012) Why Put Gender and Sex into Health Research? Oliffe, J and Greaves, L Designing and Conducting Gender, Sex, & Health Research, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks
Heise L, Greene ME , Opper N et al. 2019 Gender inequality and restrictive gender norms: framing the challenges to health. Lancet. 2019; Volume 393, Issue 10189 15-21 June 2019, Pages 2440-2454
Kapilashrami, A and Hankivsky, O. (2019) Intersectionality and why it matters to global health The Lancet Volume 391, Issue 1014030 June–6 July 2018 Pages 2589-2591
Manandhar, M., Hawkes, S., Buse, K., Nosrati, E., Magar, V. 2018 Gender, health and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development Bulletin of the World Health Organization 96(9), pp. 644-653
Morgan, R, George, A, Ssali, S, Hawkins, K. Molyneux, S and Theobald, S (2016) How to do (or not to do)… gender analysis in health systems research in Health Policy and Planning Vol 31 (8) pp 1069-1078
Murphy,M.; Hess,T.; Casey,J. & Minchew,H. (2019) What works to prevent violence against women and girls in conflict and humanitarian crisis: Synthesis Brief What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls Programme (UK DfID)
Strang,A. and O’Brien, O. (2017), Who Can I Turn To? Mapping social connections, trust and problem solving among conflict-affected populations
Weber et al (2019) Gender norms and health: insights from global survey data The Lancet Vol 393, ISSUE 10189, P2455-2468
Email Address: PKadetz@qmu.ac.uk
Date Of Record Creation: 2012-01-14 02:48:59 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2012-01-14 09:05:19 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2020-08-18 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-09-18 10:15:02 (W3C-DTF)