Title: Practice Oriented Project (POP) – for practical settings (NOT OFFERED IN 2024)
Keywords: Project Management
Human Resources
Country: Switzerland
Institution: Switzerland - Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute, Basel
Course coordinator: Barbara Bürkin
Axel Hoffmann
Date start: 2023-10-02
Date end: 2024-01-07
About duration and dates: Application deadline: 22 September 2023 Preparation phase (self-directed): 2 – 29 October 2023 Hybrid face-to-face week: 30 October – 3 November 2023 Post phase (self-directed): 6 November 2022 – 7 January 2024
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Blended-learning
Course location: Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, P.O. Box, Socinstrasse 57, CH – 4002 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 61 284 81 15, Fax +41 61 284 81 06
Website: www.swisstph.ch
tropEd representative: A. Hoffmann, B. Peterhans
ECTS credit points: 10 ECTS credits
- Face-to-face hours: 40 h + 10 hours direct individual contact with facilitators during distance-based phases
- Self-study hours: 250 h (40 hours preparation, 40 hours situation and stakeholder analyses, 70 hours project proposal, 60 hours implementation, 40 hours implementation report)
Language: English
After successfully completing the module, students will be able to:

• Use and evaluate different tools for problem and situation analysis and project planning, for an identified managerial problem
• Develop a project plan, including work packages, timeline and budget, and communication plan
• Implement a RACI analysis for involving stakeholders
• Propose and implement a relevant, small and targeted project, preferably at the workplace
Assessment Procedures:
During the preparation period, students will get guiding questions to elaborate on first project ideas. Students have to post their initial ideas in an online forum open to all participants and have to give feedback to the ideas of others. They have to give a 5 to 10 minutes presentation at the beginning of the on-campus week (10% of total mark).

Following the on-campus week, students have to submit

• Summary of situation and problem analysis (1,000 words)
• Short project proposal (4,000 words)
• Implementation report (5,000 words)

The three parts of this final assignment counts for 90% of the total mark.

In rare cases students will not be able to implement the project due to restrictions at the workplace, disagreement of line managers, etc. In this case the project proposal should include more details on the foreseen implementation under ideal conditions, and an extended situation and problem analysis. The challenges to implementation have to be described instead of an implementation report:

• Problem analysis (2’500 words)
• Project proposal (7’500 words)
• Brief description of challenges to implementation (3’000 words)

In addition, students will have to present individual and group work findings throughout the on-campus week (not graded).

A failing grade in one of the two assignments is allowed as long as the total mark for the module is 60 out of 100 points or better. A fail in the preparation assignment can be re-submitted during the on-campus week. A re-submission for the final assignment is possible within the next six months after submitting the reports.
The following topics will be covered:

• Tools to analyse the situation at the workplace – six-step problem solving model, drill down technique, four frame model)
• Identifying and reviewing a state or process that should be changed (the four phases of change management)
• Project Planning – the hierarchy of objectives
• Work packages, project deliverables
• Stakeholder analysis (RACI analysis)
• Develoing a responsibility matrix for involving stakeholders
• Project schedule
• Measurement of success – how to monitor the project implementation
During the two distance-based phases, students will engage in self-directed learning, to meet learning objectives, using materials and tools provided on the online learning management system (Moodle).

• Preparation phase: During the preparation period, students will get guiding questions to elaborate on first project ideas. Individual communication with course facilitators is guaranteed. Students have to post their initial ideas in an online forum open to all participants and have to give feedback to the ideas of others. Students are regularly reminded to participate in the group discussions.
• Post-campus phase: individual work on the assignments, supported by fellow students and facilitators (up to 7 hours support by facilitators guaranteed); students communicate via the forum on the electronic learning platform
The on-campus week is taught through short plenary lectures to give the basic knowledge needed, and individual/group work. The class structure and teaching methods employed will be interactive in nature, and class participation is actively encouraged.
tropEd candidates must show an English language level TOEFL test 550 or 213 computer-based or 79/80 internet-based or IELTS band 6.0 or equivalent, or native speaker or completed higher education in English (with written proof)
Maximum of 20 students per course; maximum number of tropEd students: 8
For tropEd students: First come, first served principle
Students who are enrolled in a tropEd Master programme pay the reduced fee of CHF 3’000; other students pay CHF 3’480 (CHF 300 per ECTS credit point).
Scholarships: none
tropEd accreditation:
Submitted for GA Lisbon, January 2019. Accredited in September 2019, in London. This accreditation is valid until September 2024.
This module is offered regularly as a core-module in Swiss TPH’s MBA in International Health Management programme, therefore the number of tropEd students we can admit is limited.

Throughout the module, an online learning management system (Moodle) will be used to support learning activities in the distance-based phases, during which students will be required to complete assignments, communicate with their working groups and upload learning products. Through the electronic platform, students will also have the opportunity to interact with each other (and the facilitators) at their convenience to discuss these same learning products, using discussion forums and other tools.

On request, distance-based, more detailed discussions with facilitators are possible during agreed timeslots and using Adobe Connect.
Email Address: courses@swisstph.ch
Date Of Record Creation: 2019-10-25 07:25:39 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2019-10-25 11:39:48 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2019-10-25 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-07-25 07:44:35 (W3C-DTF)