Title: Organisational Behaviour and Transformational Management
Keywords: Organisation
Human Resources
Country: Switzerland
Institution: Switzerland - Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute, Basel
Course coordinator: Barbara Bürkin
Date start: 2025-03-17
Date end: 2025-03-21
About duration and dates: Application deadline: 10 February 2025 Prep phase: 17 February – 14 March 2025 Hybrid face to face week: 17 – 21 March 2025 Post phase: 24 March – 02 May 2025
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Distance-based
Course location: Due to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, ALL foreseen on-campus phases will be replaced by virtual (distance-based) sessions in 2021. Face-to-face teaching is still not allowed in Switzerland. In cases of having additional questions, please contact the course secretariat.
ECTS credit points: 6 ECTS credits
- Face-to-face hours: 40 h
- Self-study hours: 140 h (incl. the possibility of distance-based interaction with students and facilitators)
Language: English
Description: After successfully completing the module, students will be able to:

• Carry out a competency assessment at different levels of their own workplace
• Discuss how transformational management processes are implemented in various contexts
• Critically evaluate and reflect on theories on organisational behaviour and transformational management
• Identify appropriate measures and tools to plan a transformational process in their own workplace
• Apply relevant managerial practices to institutionalise transformation in their professional context
Assessment Procedures: During the preparation period, students are required to review introductory literature and carry out a competency assessment in their professional working context (or in an organisation of their choice; preferably in the health sector, but other areas are also possible) based on the WHO-ASPHER Competency Framework for the Public Health Workforce. For this purpose, between 3-6 persons are to be addressed directly, by means of an interview, or indirectly by means of a survey. Depending on the occupational position, either individual categories (‘Content and context’, ‘Relations and interactions’ and ‘Performance and achievement’) will be selected or various of the 10 sections of the WHO-ASPHER Competency Framework will be combined within the interview/survey. Following the assessment, students will have to write a report in which they: a) summarise the working context (1000 words) b) present and analyse their findings (2000-3000 words). For students without the possibility to do the assessment, a case study with specific questions will be provided. During the preparation phase students will be provided with clear instructions on how to do this in form of a) written instructions guidelines b) one-hour briefing(s) via zoom or another format of direct exchange.
(30% of total mark).

In the course of the on-campus phase, students will take a closer look at the section ‘collaboration and networking competencies for leadership and partnership with stakeholders’. Based on the results of the preparatory assessment and a complementary stakeholder mapping, students are required to reflect on relevant techniques and elaborate on ideas on how competencies related to this category could be strengthened. They will be evaluated individually based on their performance whilst presenting their ideas. (30% of total mark)

Following the on-campus phase, students are asked to develop a concept for a transformational management process including appropriate measures and techniques that have been discussed during the on-campus phase. They are required to choose one out of the three categories ‘Content and context’, ‘Relations and interactions’ or ‘Performance and achievement’ to reflect upon and present their approach. In this concept (max. 5’000 words) they are required to demonstrate and justify the selection and appropriateness of measures and management techniques. (40% of total mark)

• A failing grade in one of the three assignments is allowed as long as the total mark for the module is 60 out of 100 points or better.
• A re-sit for the written assignments (report and concept) is possible within the next six months after submitting the essay.
• A re-sit for the assessment during the on-campus phase is possible within two weeks after the on-campus phase in online mode (students do not have to come to Basel for the re-sit).
Content: The following topics will be covered:

• Introduction into managerial mechanisms to institutionalise transformation
• Organisational structure: organisational behaviour and organisational design (including culture of innovation and agile organisational processes)
• Diversity management, intersectionality and inclusive work environments
• Organisations in a digital world (Digital learning and remote management environments, etc.)
• Teamwork and Teams (Feedback, conflict resolution and resistance, team dynamics, mediation, empowerment and delegation, etc.)
• Systems Analysis and Systems thinking tools (Root causes, fish bone, etc.)
• Trust and psychological safety
• Dealing with uncertainty and contingencies
• Practical techniques for a collaborative culture (decision making, organisational goal setting, problem solving, employee engagement, value-based management etc.)
• Awareness-based instruments such as self-leadership, self-awareness and mindset for changing systems (including Theory U)
• Organisational case studies that specify processes through which transformational management affects the performance of (public) organisations
Methods: During the two distance-based phases, students will engage in self-directed learning, to meet learning objectives, using materials and tools provided on the online learning management system (Moodle).

• Preparation phase: consists of 40 hrs of independent study (readings, competency assessment in a given professional context or case study analysis and assessed assignment) to prepare for face-to-face sessions. Contact to the course coordinators and fellow students to support is given using the forum provided on the learning platform.
• On-campus phase: consists of 40 hours of independent study, individual and group work, case study analysis, class discussions and student presentations (graded).
• Post-campus phase: consists of 100 hours of independent study; students have to develop a concept for a transformational management process including appropriate measures and techniques. Contact to the course coordinators and fellow students to support is given using the forum provided on the learning platform.

The on-campus week is taught through short plenary lectures to give the basic knowledge needed, and plenary/group workshops, including case studies, documentaries and presentations. In addition, students undertake guided independent study throughout, tailoring their existing cross-cultural management and knowledge to programme content. The class structure and teaching methods employed will be interactive in nature, and class participation is actively encouraged. Small group work findings will be presented throughout the week.
Prerequisites: tropEd candidates must show an English language level TOEFL test 550 or 213 computer-based or 79/80 internet-based or IELTS band 6.0 or equivalent, and an intermediate.
Students need a reliable internet connection to follow the preparation phase and the post-campus (assignment) phase. No specific software licenses are needed.
Attendance: Maximum of 20 students per course; maximum number of tropEd students: 8
Selection: For tropEd students: First come, first served principle
Fees: Students who are enrolled in a tropEd Master programme pay the reduced fee of CHF 2’450; other students pay CHF 2’850 (CHF 410 per ECTS credit point).
Scholarships: none
Major changes since initial accreditation: • Wider range of organizational types, especially addressing the public sector
• Embedding of practical examples during the course week
• Increased focus on awareness based transformations management within a company
Student evaluation: • Evaluations have shown the clear need for more practical examples
• Students want a clear orientation towards the health sector
Lessons learned: • Company visits too single-edged, cannot cover the needs of a diverse student structure
• practical relevance and transfer must be more clearly represented
tropEd accreditation: Submitted for GA Lisbon, January 2019: re-accreditated in EC Telco November 2020, Hamburg GA in September 2022. This accreditation is valid until September 2027.
Remarks: This module is offered regularly as a core-module in Swiss TPH’s MBA in International Health Management programme, therefore the number of tropEd students we can admit is limited.

Throughout the module, an online learning management system (Moodle) will be used to support learning activities in the distance-based phases, during which students will be required to complete assignments, communicate with their working groups and upload learning products. Through the electronic platform, students will also have the opportunity to interact with each other (and the facilitators) at their convenience to discuss these same learning products, using discussion forums and other tools.

On request, distance-based, more detailed discussions with facilitators are possible during agreed timeslots and using Zoom.
Email Address: courses@swisstph.ch
Date Of Record Creation: 2019-08-08 08:53:01 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2020-11-18 09:57:21 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2019-08-08 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-07-25 07:30:43 (W3C-DTF)