Title: Financial Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting
Keywords: Resource management
Health economics
Country: Switzerland
Institution: Switzerland - Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute, Basel
Course coordinator: Patrick Hanlon
Barbara Bürkin
Axel Hoffmann
Date start: 2024-09-02
Date end: 2024-09-06
About duration and dates: Application deadline: 31 July 2024. Prep phase: 05 August – 30 August 2024. Hybrid face to face week: 02 – 06 September 2024. Post phase: 09 September – 18 October 2024.
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Course location:
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, P.O. Box, Socinstrasse 57, CH – 4002 Basel, Switzerland
ECTS credit points: 6 ECTS credits
TOTAL SIT: 180 h
- Face-to-face hours: 40 h
- Self-study hours: 137 h (incl. the possibility of distance-based interaction with students and facilitators)
Written examination: 3 h
Language: English
After successfully completing the module, students will be able to:

• Evaluate and analyse standard financial reports
• recognized the workings of accounting, types of accounts and their relationship to each other
• Conduct a financial management check of an organisation
• Identify the causes and signs of fraud
• Analyse an audit report and choose the appropriate type of audit
• Identify the link between physical assets and stocks management and financial management
Assessment Procedures:

During the preparation period, students get a textbook “Financial Management Essentials - A Handbook for NGOs” which they have to read. Prior to the on-campus week they have to do an online quiz (10 Multiple Choice and Short Answer Questions), which counts for 15% of the total mark.

Following the on-campus period, a final assignment will ask students to produce a report/essay on one of the Grand Challenges in the area of financial management in the health sector (all of them discussed during on-campus week). They have to elaborate financial management measures to tackle the selected challenge. The report/essay has to cover 4000 words (not including references and annexes). This assignment counts for 35% of the total mark).

• A written examination (3 hours) consisting of short answer questions to case studies will count for 50% of the total mark.

In addition, students will have to present individual and group work findings throughout the on-campus week (not graded).

For tropEd students the place of the written exam can be discussed (eventually in their home institution).

A failing grade in one of the three assignments is allowed as long as the total mark for the module is 60 out of 100 points or better. A re-sit for the written assignment (essay) is possible within the next six months after submitting the essay. A re-sit of the written exam has to be discussed with the programme coordinators.
The following topics will be covered:

• Financial cycle: budgeting, financial recording, monitoring and reporting
• Bookkeeping and accounting
• Financial management instruments and system
• Internal controlling and fraud prevention
• Auditing
• Financial management and physical assets
• Financial management and stocks
During the two distance-based phases, students will engage in self-directed learning, to meet learning objectives, using materials and tools provided on the online learning management system (Moodle).
• Preparation phase: consists of 40 hrs of independent study (readings, assessed tasks and quiz) to prepare for face-to-face sessions. Contact to the course coordinators to support is given.
• Post-campus phase: consists of 97 hours of independent study; students have to write a report/essay based on the knowledge they gained during the on-campus week.
The on-campus week (40 hours) is taught through short plenary lectures to give the basic knowledge needed, and plenary/group workshops, including case studies, documentaries and presentations. The class structure and teaching methods employed will be interactive in nature, and class participation is actively encouraged.
tropEd candidates must show an English language level TOEFL test 550 or 213 computer-based or 79/80 internet-based or IELTS band 6.0 or equivalent, and an intermediate.
Students need a reliable internet connection to follow the preparation phase and the post-campus (assignment) phase. No specific software licenses are needed.
Maximum of 20 students per course; maximum number of tropEd students: 8
For tropEd students: First come, first served principle
Students who are enrolled in a tropEd Master programme pay the reduced fee of CHF 2’450; other students pay CHF 2’850 (CHF 410 per ECTS credit point).
tropEd accreditation: Accredited in January 2019, in Lisbon.
This accreditation is valid until January 2024.
This module is offered regularly as a core-module in Swiss TPH’s MBA in International Health Management programme, therefore the number of tropEd students we can admit is limited.

Throughout the module, an online learning management system (Moodle) will be used to support learning activities in the distance-based phases, during which students will be required to complete assignments, communicate with their working groups and upload learning products. Through the electronic platform, students will also have the opportunity to interact with each other (and the facilitators) at their convenience to discuss these same learning products, using discussion forums and other tools.

On request, distance-based, more detailed discussions with facilitators are possible during agreed timeslots and using Adobe Connect.
Email Address: courses@swisstph.ch
Date Of Record Creation: 2019-02-15 09:22:50 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2019-02-15 14:41:03 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2019-02-15 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-07-25 07:34:37 (W3C-DTF)