Title: Global Tuberculosis epidemiology and intervention
Keywords: TB
Disease prevention, control and elimination
Communicable diseases
Country: Norway
Institution: Norway - Centre for International Health, Universitetet i Bergen
Course coordinator: Tehmina Mustafa
Date start: 2025-01-06
Date end: 2025-01-31
About duration and dates: 4 weeks. Regarding admission, please visit here: http://www.uib.no/en/cih/71970/courses-cih (annual application date 1 November)
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Distance-based
Course location: Online Learning
ECTS credit points: 5 ECTS credits
SIT: Student investment time: total 150 hours, divided into online texts or videos 40 hrs, individual reading 50 hrs, and individual work 60 hrs.
Week 1-2 and 3 have 35 hours of student investment time each, and week 4 has 45 hours (including 3 hours exam).
Language: English
Main objective:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to give an outline of the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis globally and current interventions to control the disease.

Specific learning objectives:
On completion of the course the student should be able to:

• identify important determinants of TB exposure, infection and disease
• identify a presumptive TB patient
• assess the significance and limitations of the various TB diagnostic methods
• interpret the data from laboratory and treatment registers used in the TB control programs to assess the performance of microscopy services, and recognize the early and late defaulters from treatment.
• know how to control TB in a public health approach, and to communicate this information.
• assess the epidemiological situation for tTB globally and to apply the knowledge to improve the management of TB.
Assessment Procedures:
Some assessments are embedded in the learning units in the forms of quizzes, exercises and assignments, all done online. These are not compulsory.

The main assessment is a written home examination at the end of the course, set to three hours of working time. This assessment uses MCQ for selected basic knowledge based questions (one hour work) in addition to questions that need more elaborate response (two hours). The questions asking for a more elaborative response will be based upon cases and/or situations which require knowledge from all parts of the course, to show that they fulfil the main learning objective from this course. For the grading, the MCG counts 30% and the more elaborate response counts for 70% of the grade. Grading A-F.

If a student fails to pass the exam, he/she will be allowed to resit for exam in the same semester.
This is an on-line course, containing sections addressing the following topics:

Tuberculosis history and epidemiology, clinical characteristics, microbiological aspects, diagnostic considerations, chemotherapy, treatment and follow-up strategies, drug resistance and its impact on global tuberculosis burden, preventive strategies, the impact of HIV on tuberculosis, global tuberculosis control strategies and socioeconomic impact of tuberculosis.

-The learning units are as follows:
(1) Historical perspectives & epidemiology of TB,
(2) How does TB develop in humans,
(3) How does TB disease present in patients
(4) What is the role of laboratory in the diagnosis and global TB management
(5) What are the principals of TB treatment, emergence and impact of drug resistance on TB epidemic
(6) Socioeconomic and cultural aspects of TB and
(7) Global TB management strategies.
The course consists of on-line texts and activities combined with individual reading. Each lecture has elements like this:

a) Texts to read 60 hours
b) Exercises based on clinical and epidemiological case scenarios (videos are shown sometimes) 20 hours
c) Relevant paper reviews 15 hours
d) Assignments given for individual work. Some assignments will be given where students work with tuberculosis registers used in the global tuberculosis control programmes. 40 hours
e) Online peer-discussion forums are developed, encouraged and monitored. 10 hours
f) The lectures are often followed by quizzes with multiple-choice questions with immediate correct responses and explanation. 5 hours
Those who will attend this course should be students admitted to a Master’s Degree Programme; persons with a Bachelor’s degree in medicine, dentistry or related disciplines of science or social sciences. In addition, the course is open for physicians and dentists with special interest in global TB epidemiology and intervention.
A good working knowledge of English is necessary; English TOEFL test 550 or 213 computer-based or 79/80 internet-based or IELTS band 6.0.

This is an online course, the students need to have access to a personal computer with internet connection.
A minimum of 5 students is needed to run the course, and a maximum of 25 students.
Maximum 15 TropEd students.
Students on a Master’s programme in International health or Global health from UiB and other institutions within TropEd will be registered before others
No fee.
None available.
tropEd accreditation:
Accredited in EC TelCo, Dec 2016; reaccreditated in EC TelCo in March 2022. This accreditation is valid until March 2027.
Literature list
Toman: Tuberculosis: Case detection, treatment and monitoring. 2004. Freely downloadable from: http://www.tbrieder.org/publications/books_english/toman_2.pdf
Ait-Khalid&al. Management of tuberculosis. 2010. Freely downloadable from: http://www.theunion.org/what-we-do/publications/technical/management-of-tuberculosis-a-guide-to-the-essentials-of-good-clinical-practice
H.Rieder: Interventions for Tuberculosis Control and Elimination. 2002. Freely downloadable from: http://www.theunion.org/what-we-do/publications/technical/interventions-for-tuberculosis-control-and-elimination
H.Rieder. Epidemiologic basis for tuberculosis. 1999. Freely downloadable from: http://www.theunion.org/what-we-do/publications/technical/epidemiologic-basis-of-tuberculosis-control
Harries&al. TB/HIV. A clinical manual. 2nd ed. 2004. Freely downloadable from: http://www.tbrieder.org/publications/books_english/who_tbhiv.pdf
Rieder&al. Priorities for Tuberculosis Bacteriology Services in Low-Income Countries. 2007. Freely downloadable from: http://www.tbrieder.org/publications/books_english/red_book.pdf
Lazlo&al. Sputum examination for tuberculosis by direct microscopy in low income countries. Freely downloadable from: http://www.tbrieder.org/publications/books_english/microscopy.pdf
WHO. Guidelines for the programmatic management of drug resistant tuberculosis. 2011 update. Freely downloadable from: http://who.int/tb/publications/tb-drugresistant-guidelines/en/
Optional: Crofton’s Clinical Tuberculosis. 1999. Freely downloadable from: http://www.tbrieder.org/publications/books_english/crofton_clinical.pdf
Optional: WHO. Guidelines for treatment of tuberculosis. 2009. Freely downloadable from: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/44165/1/9789241547833_eng.pdf?ua=1&ua=1
Email Address: Linda.Forshaw@uib.no
Date Of Record Creation: 2016-12-22 17:21:47 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2016-12-22 22:50:34 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2017-09-12 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-09-04 08:59:02 (W3C-DTF)