Title: Academic Teacher Training for Health Professions
Keywords: Teaching
Human Resources
Country: Germany
Institution: Germany - Center for International Health at the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München
Course coordinator: Adea Borova
Date start: 2025-03-10
Date end: 2025-03-14
About duration and dates: The entire module takes place online. 1 day kick-off; 5 days main course week; Pre-course assignments will be sent two weeks before course start; Post-course assignments during transfer part between course week and symposium (TBA) 1/2 day symposium
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Distance-based
Course location:
Online course

For inquiries and applications:
Adea Borova (ttu@lrz.uni-muenchen.de)
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
*Pre-course assignments - 23 hours(self study)
*Learning theory, constructive alignment, strategies and teaching methods - 13 hours(Contact);2 hours(self study)
*Presentation and teaching - 8 hours(Contact);2 hours(self study)
*Quality assessment - 4 hours(Contact);2 hours(self study)
*Professional development / professional identity / Reflexion - 7 hours(Contact);2 hours(self study)
*Consultation / Mentoring - 9 hours(Contact);2 hours (self study)
*Post-course assignments - 16 hours(self study)
Language: English
Description: At the end of the module, the participants are able to:
● critically analyse different teaching models and strategies suitable for health professions education
● apply a model for didactic design for their own lesson plan and evaluate their lesson
● describe and apply rules of good feedback, give and receive feedback
● explain concepts and measurements of validity and reliability, threats to validity regarding to assessment formats and methods
● assess their own teaching situation and professional identity as health educators in respect to their other professional roles
Assessment Procedures:
Assessment is formative and summative.


Pre-course assignments: Participants have to draft a lesson plan, a teaching sequence, multiple choice question, answer a questionnaire by using the online material (reading material, videocasts, reflection in online discussion fora) provided to acquire the theoretical framework. On these units, participants receive and provide feedback from facilitators and peers during the online course days.


Post-course assignments:

Participants prepare a teaching intervention that they will conduct in their professional environment. After having conducted the teaching intervention, each participant has to write a teaching report including the teaching concept, the evaluation of the lesson (multi-source feedback), a reflection of their own teaching and professional identity as a teacher and a concept of the assessment planned for the learning objectives of their own lesson. The word count of the assignment is minimum 1500 to maximum 3500 words. In case of failure, students have to write the report again and will be subjected to an audio-visual oral online examination Grading: A-D, F.
● teaching and professional identity in the context of health professions
● learning theories
● model for lesson planning
● constructive alignment
● learning objectives
● teaching methods, formats and tools specifically adapted to teaching contents in health professions education
● content related assessments formats and methods in health professions education including work-place-based assessment
● feedback theory
● peer group consultation
● micro-teaching
● intercultural training
● optional participation in an online symposium on didactics (not assessed)
Participants receive mandatory pre-course assignments. The main course week contents will build on these concepts distributed as pre-course assignments (inverted classroom). In addition, materials to be worked on the course will be generated through the pre-course assignments (23 hours, see also section 13).
Online methods include, among others: small group and plenary discussion, questionnaires, video lessons, creating teaching material.
Two thirds of the 41 contact hours will be small group activities and interactive group activities, small group discussion, large group discussion, practical exercises like giving a presentation or giving feedback or observing activities of other participants. The methods for the different parts of the seminar as outlined in section 14 are:
● Learning theory and constructive alignment: lecture and critical discussion, workshop teaching design
● Developing a lesson plan in groups
● Teaching methods: Jigsaw Puzzle and many others
● Peer-group-consultation about work related issues
● Teaching: video-based peer-feedback, simulation, interactive teaching sequence applying one e-tool
● Assessment Circle (discussion about different assessment methods)
● Professional identity development: written reflection and questionnaire, small groups
● Intercultural exercises
In the post-course assignments, participants prepare a teaching intervention (lesson plan) and conduct it in their professional environment. After conducting the intervention, participants write a teaching report including their own teaching concept, practicing their concept, the evaluation of the teaching concept, develop an appropriate assessment for their defined learning objectives and reflect on their own teaching and professional identity as a teacher. In addition, every participant provides feedback to one peer.
Proof of English fluency: tropEd students from an accredited tropEd home institution that have passed a core course in English language will be considered sufficiently fluent in English language. Also students that can provide proof of academic education passed entirely in English language will be considered sufficiently fluent. Applicants not being able to provide either of these criteria will be asked to proof fluency by a TOEFL (iBT score >= 79) or IELTS (score >=6.0)
Academic / professional experience: Participants have to be professionals with both at least basic teaching experience and at least basic work experience in a health profession or in a health-related field. Participants should have the possibility to teach a group within 4 month after the online course week.
Max. number of participants: 36
Up to 8 tropEd Master´s students are admitted
Participants are selected on a first come, first serve basis
Fees: € 200
Scholarships: None
Major changes since initial accreditation:
The course is re-accredited because of a new course coordinator. The course has also been adapted to the latest requirements and developments within teaching and learning, it is now a 3 ECTS credits course whereas before it was 2 ECTS credit points. A post-course assignment (practising a lesson developed by the participant) was added.The title has been changed: instead of “Learning Science” the course is now called “Academic Teacher Training Course for Health Professions” as this reflects the contents more than before.
The course was converted to fully online during the pandemic. Due to the positive experiences, the format was kept fully online. At the same time, the scheduling was expanded, to include a kick-off meeting, and a voluntary symposium participation in the field of didactics.
Student evaluation:
Participants appreciated the interactive, cooperative and innovative outline of the course as well as the content. The combination of theoretical background, practical exercises and working on your own teaching concept throughout the course helped the students to improve their own teaching. Participants appreciated the diversity of the whole group in terms of national and professional backgrounds.
Lessons learned:
The highly interactive, small-group learning environment can create excellent group dynamics in a fully online course.
We expect that participants have at least some basic teaching experience to be able to follow the course.
We have learnt that students need some dedicated time to clarify expectations about the post-course assignment and how it will be assessed.
tropEd accreditation:
Accredited in October 2015. Re-accredited in Berlin, October 2018.Re-Accredited in EC Telco, Mar.2024 This accreditation is valid until March 2029.
Teaching, learning, communication, human resources
Email Address: ttu@lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Date Of Record Creation: 2015-10-11 05:33:19 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2015-10-11 09:43:24 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2020-12-03 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-07-10 10:57:58 (W3C-DTF)