Title: International Governance and Politics of Global Health
Keywords: Health legislation
Actors / stakeholders
Country: Spain
Institution: Spain - Barcelona Institute for Global Health - University of Barcelona
Course coordinator: Pablo Pareja
Joan Tallada
Date start: 2025-01-20
Date end: 2025-01-30
About duration and dates: Face to face sessions from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 11:00 Students are asked to read recommended materials before face-to-face sessions
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Course location:
University of Barcelona
Faculty of Medicine
C/ Casanova, 143
08036 Barcelona, Spain
ECTS credit points: 4 ECTS credits
4 ECTS, 100 SIT
Hours of independent study (not face to face and not tutored): 70 h
Lectures and other classroom activities: 30 h (15 sessions x 2 h, includes 2h exam)
Total: 100 h

33.3 hours per week.
Language: English
At the end of the module students should be able to:

1. Explain the evolution, the normative framework and the political agenda of an international institution or actor in the fields of health development aid and global health governance.

2. Critically discuss the principles of (the right to health) in nowadays world and how they relate to international agreements and treaties.

3. Analyze changes and trends in international politics and aid for development agenda, including financial and management implications for global health organizations and programs (e.g. UN institutions, bilateral donors, NGOs, PPPs, emergent stakeholders…).
Assessment Procedures:
Students in the course will be evaluated individually and using the following assessment tools:

- Level of students’ participation in classroom (10%):
• 6 or less: minimum contribution, disruptive, or no participation
• 8: responds constructively to questions
• 10: perceptive questions, active constructive and educational interaction with colleagues and professor.

- Review of readings: written short exercises. (30%).

- Final exam (2h). Theoretical questions on a simulated case. (60%).

Resit: Complete and exhaustive exam including theoretical and practical questions (2 h).
This course offers a panorama of the working and recent trends of international relations and the international legal system. The course examines the current changing international, economic, social, political and institutional context that is deeply transforming the agenda of major global health actors and the usual ways of developing international cooperation programs and initiatives.

Session 1. Globalization, cooperation and conflict in the contemporaneous international society.
- Order and anarchy in the international society.
- The globalization process.
- Regionalism in the international society.
- Power in international relations.
- International actors and authorities.

Session 2. Security and Global Health in the contemporaneous international society.
- The evolution of concept of international security.
- Global governance of global threats.
- Health inequities in a globalized world.
- The Global Dimension of Health and the Global Health Security.

Session 3. Introduction to Global Health Law.
- Key methods, processes, instruments and international law mechanisms.
- Health as object of international cooperation and regulation.
- The Origins of Global Health Law.
- The United Nations and the International Governance of Global Health.

Session 4. International institutions of Global Health.
- The creation of World Health Organization.
- Governing Structure of World Health Organization.
- The World Health Organization Reform Agenda.
- Old and New Institutions of Global Health

Session 5. Content and Scope of Global Health Law.
- The normative competence of the World Health Organization.
- The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
- The International Health Regulations.
- Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework.
- The Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel.

Session 6. Public-private partnerships (PPP) in global health.
- The new formula of public-private partnerships in global health.
- Typologies and legal approach.
- Financial and operational activity of PPP in global health.
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
- Others PPP in global health.

Session 7. The Right to Health and the Human Rights System.
- The international protection of Human Rights
- Treaties and international instruments on the Right to Health
- Scope of the Right to Health in International Law: international and European standard.
- International mechanisms of verification.

Session 8. Global Health and International Trade.
- From the international trade regime to the multilateral trade regime and aspects related to trade.
- Principles that govern international trade.
- Trade agreements and international technical standards.

Session 9. Pharmaceutical Patents and Global Health.
- International regulation of intellectual property and its relationship to public health.
- The agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights, TRIPS plus and TRIPS extra.
- WHO action in the area of intellectual property and public health.

Session 10. Politics and Global Health Diplomacy.
- Health and foreign policy.
- The actors, stakeholders and interest groups involved in global health governance and diplomacy.
- The dynamics of global health negotiations.

Session 11. International cooperation and aid in Global Health (I); actors and architecture of the aid system.
- Evolution of the development doctrines.
- Structure and scope of the international cooperation and aid system.
- The United Nations agencies; relevant roles and mechanisms for international cooperation programs
- New donors and traditional donors in Global Health; the role of public and private sectors, philanthropy organizations and NGOs.
- Relevant funding mechanisms.

Session 12. International cooperation and aid in Global Health (II); Global Health agendas and priorities in the field of international aid.
- Major factors influencing the transformation of the international aid and development agenda.
- The diversity of Global Health policies and agendas.
- The European Union policy in Global Health

Session 13. Trends and challenges of aid in a changing international environment.
- The redistribution of global power and wealth
- The gap between economic growth and health status
- The problem of equity in access to human development and health in middle income countries and low income countries
- Global governance for health: opportunities and challenges.

Session 14. International financing of aid for health.
- The impact of the global economic crisis in aid.
- Financial flows in aid for development and the Global Health sector.
- Fiscal space, international finance tax and domestic budgets for health
- The dilemma to cooperate with middle-income countries.
Theoretical-practical sessions, with presentations by professors, debate and class discussion.
- Sessions include group and individual oral and written exercises for the student to familiarize with the content.
- Each session provides specific essential reading to be familiar with the fundamentals of the topic and for evaluation activities.
- Essential reading is a crucial individual activity to ensure standard knowledge and understanding of basic concepts, principles and tools.
- Additional reading is an individual but optional activity depending on the interests and specialization of the student.
tropEd candidates must accredit an English language level TOEFL test 550 or 213 computer-based or 79/80 internet-based or IELTS band 6.0 or equivalent.
Maximum of 35 students per course
Based on CV and motivation letter
700 € plus 90 € university taxes
Not available
tropEd accreditation:
Accredited in December 2014. Reaccredited in June 2019, in Umeå. This accreditation is valid until June 2024.
Email Address: nuria.casamitjana@isglobal.org
Date Of Record Creation: 2014-12-20 13:54:38 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2014-12-20 20:06:54 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2019-08-14 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2024-06-11 10:23:07 (W3C-DTF)